Interesting Facts about Google {Google Facts 2020}

Interesting Facts about Google {Google Facts 2020}

Interesting Facts about Google {Google Facts 2020}

Interesting Facts about Google {Google Facts 2020}

Facts about Google - The world's largest search engine i.e. Google, which has been ruling in its field for the last 20 years and probably will continue to do so, but do you know, Google is always 20 years ahead of the common people, Even Google is as much public about you as your householders would not know about you, in this article very interesting facts have been given about Google which you might not have known before! So let's know - Google Facts

1. Google.com domain was registered in the month of September 1997!

2. Google's headquarters is named GooglePlex! Which combines Google + Complex!

3. Google's name was previously Googol! An investor misread the spelling and called it Google and the name was liked by everyone and since then it was called as Google name!

4. You find Google's home page so empty because when it was created, Sergey Brin and Larry Page did not have much knowledge of Html!

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5. The code of Google's website, the world's most famous and important company, still has 23 markup errors!

6. Google was created by Larry Page and Sergey Brin for the purpose of selling, and they did not even know that Google would one day become the world's largest company!

7. Google has bought an average of one company per month since 2010!

8. You'd be surprised to know that the first woman to work at Google, Yahoo! Was the CEO of!

Interesting Facts about Google {Google Facts 2020}

9. Google has about 88,110 employees!

Interesting facts about Google - The world's largest search engine, ie Google, which has been ruling in its field for the last 20 years and probably will continue to do so, but do you know, Google is always 20 years ahead of the common people, Even Google is as much public about you as your householders would not know about you, in this article very interesting facts have been given about Google which you might not have known before! So let's know - facts about Google

Interesting Facts About Google

1. Google.com domain was registered in the month of September 1997!

2. Google's headquarters is named GooglePlex! Which combines Google + Complex!

3. Google's name was previously Googol! An investor misread the spelling and called it Google and the name was liked by everyone and since then it was called as Google name!

4. You find Google's home page so empty because when it was created, Sergey Brin and Larry Page did not have much knowledge of Html!

5. The code of Google's website, the world's most famous and important company, still has 23 markup errors!

interesting facts about google

6. Google was created by Larry Page and Sergey Brin for the purpose of selling, and they did not even know that Google would one day become the world's largest company!

7. Google has bought an average of one company per month since 2010!

8. You'd be surprised to know that the first woman to work at Google, Yahoo! Was the CEO of!

9. Google has about 88,110 employees!

Interesting Facts about Google {Google Facts 2020}

10. There are more than 65000 searches on Google every second!

11. 90% of Google's revenue comes from advertising only!

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12. Google jokingly says that our company is a dog company so that the cats coming here are careful!

13. Google's first tweet was "I Feeling Lucky", which was in binary code, 0 and 1 digits were used for it! Which was as follows "Im 01100110 01100101 01100101 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101100 01110101 01100011 01101011 01111001 00001010."

14. On August 16, 2013, Google was down by only 5 minutes, so in that time, global Internet traffic was reduced by almost 40%!

15. Google has taken photographs equivalent to 80 lakh 46 thousand kilometers of road for its Street View map!

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