How to make Facebook account secure and safer? Know here process.

How to make Facebook account secure and safer? Know here process.

How to make Facebook account secure and safer? Know here process.

How to make Facebook account secure and safer? Know here process.
How to make Facebook account secure and safer?

Currently Facebook is emerging as the most effective medium. Along with the advantages of Facebook, its disadvantages are also coming day by day. There are many examples of the use of Facebook for many creative works worldwide. Fake accounts, in contrast, also malign women through flexibility in the inbox. To prevent all this, Facebook has already provided several settings. In today's article I will write about it.

Click on the following link to open the settings - https://www.facebook.com/settings

Record list

1. General Account Settings
2. Privacy Settings and Tools
3. Timeline and Tagging Settings
4. Manage blocking
5. Mobile settings
6. Public Post Filters & Tools
7. App settings

1. General Account Settings

Facebook general-account-settings
This setting allows you to change profile name, email ID, password with username. Account Manage Account In this option 'Your legacy contacts' determines who can manage your account after your death. We can give this right to someone in your friend list.

2. Privacy Settings and Tools

Facebook-Privacy Settings and Tools

With this setting you can decide who can see your posts, who should be your friends, you can search by email ID or mobile number, you can show your profile in Google and other search engines. Strangers can be avoided by setting friends as friends.

3. Timeline and Tagging Settings

Facebook-time and tagging-settings

One of the most irritating things on Facebook is to tag some of your unrelated photos. With this setting you can decide who can post to your timeline, what things should be viewed on your timeline, who can tag it.

4. Manage blocking


With this setting you can add a friend to the rejection list, block a person, page, group, event and app.

5. Mobile settings


Often your friend has your mobile. There is no denying the possibility that your friend will misuse your Facebook accounts, either intentionally or consciously. This is why mobile PIN is an option in this setting. Apart from Facebook password, we can set another PIN. This PIN will be required when updating a new status or adding a new friend.

6. Public Post Filters & Tools

Facebook-public-post-filters and tools

In this setting you have control over who can follow, who can comment.

 7. App settings


Many websites and apps now have the option of Facebook login. Logging in via an incorrect app through Facebook can put your Facebook account in danger. It is necessary to check the settings regularly. Remove an unfamiliar application as soon as it appears.

Even with all of this setting, there are some things you should still keep in mind.

1. Keep changing passwords constantly.

2. The laptop or computer on which you are using Facebook must have an updated antivirus.

3. Do not click on strangers or pornographic links.

4. If possible, avoid logging into Facebook with any app.

5. You must logout after logging in to use Facebook.

6. Girls in particular should know what you are posting. It is easy to misuse photos in the public domain.

If you have any questions or suggestions after this, feel free to comment.